Monday, July 24, 2023

Supported Independent Living in Perth,WA | SIL Provider in Perth,WA | STA/ SIL Vacancies in Perth,WA | Aastha Community Services

Independent Living and the NDIS: Bringing Out the Best in You

Aastha Community Services

People with disabilities can actively pursue a life of independence with increased choice and control over the support and services that they receive through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Living independently promotes freedom of choice as well as self-reliance. Independent living does not imply that you are living in isolation. It simply means people with disabilities are presented with the same opportunities in life as their able peers. NDIS-funded support and services such as Supported Independent Living, Specialist Disability Accommodation, Assistance with Daily Living, Community Participation and Support Coordination play a crucial role in enabling the participants to live independently and achieve their goals.

Lack of accessibility and functional limitations are some of the factors which prevent people with disabilities from aspiring for independent living. But NDIS Core Supports like Assistance with Daily Living and Assistance with Social and Community Participation help them access expert assistance to overcome those challenges and live the life of their choice.

While Assistance with Daily Living support helps the participants to take care of their day-to- day activities, Assistance with Social and Community Participation helps them to engage with their communities. Home and living support options which facilitate independent living such as Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL) are available for participants with higher support needs. Under SDA, participants can access specially designed disability housing which makes independent living comfortable and convenient. Through Supported Independent Living, participants can access 24/7 paid personal support which helps them to live on their own. This shows that having a disability need not limit your ability to lead a happy and independent life.
Aastha Community Services believes in providing reliable and person-centred support which helps people with disabilities to achieve their goals and live their life independently. You can count on us on every step of your NDIS journey. Contact us today to know more.

Supported Independent Living In Perth,WA | SIL vacancies in Perth,WA | SIL provider in Perth,WA | SIL houses in Perth,WA | Aastha

Your Path to Independence: Becoming Eligible for Supported Independent Living in Perth,WA

Aastha Community Services

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is funded by the NDIS to enable people with disabilities to live independently while receiving personalised support. SIL support focuses on building the independent living skills of the participants along with paid personal assistance to take care of their daily living activities. Supported Independent Living is a home and living support option specifically designed for people with higher support needs who wants to explore independent living. This support is funded for participants who are 18 years of age or above, making it ideal for young adults with disabilities who may be planning to move out of their parent’s homes.

While deciding on SIL funding, the NDIS considers the age of the participant, the level of support they need daily and whether the SIL support meets the NDIS funding criteria. A participant is likely to be eligible for SIL support if they require more than 8 hours of assistance from the NDIS support workers to accomplish their daily living activities or if they need support throughout the day including overnight support to manage their life. Prospective SIL participants will have to submit assessments and reports from a qualified and licensed allied health professional or behavioural support practitioner that provide insights into the level of support that they may require. SIL support may be the right option for the participants with higher support needs who are willing to live with other participants and share supports with them.

Aastha Community Services 
provides the necessary guidance and support that the participants need to pursue independent living. We can help you make informed decisions regarding the home and living support options available to you. If you are a SIL participant, we have an efficient team of trained support workers who can help you manage your daily living activities.

Respite Care in Perth,WA | Short Term Accommodation in Perth,WA | STA Provider in Perth,WA | Aastha Community Service


How Respite Care Can Help Reduce Stress for Adults and Seniors.

Aastha Community Services

Efficient and compassionate caregivers can bring positive changes in the lives of people with disabilities. But it is important for both the carer as well as the person receiving the care to take a break from their usual routine to rejuvenate themselves. The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides funding for Short Term Accommodation (STA), including respite which enables eligible participants to live at a temporary residence away from their usual home for a brief duration. This is especially helpful for adults and senior participants as they can use this opportunity to socialise and engage in activities that they enjoy. Healthy social connections will help to reduce stress and enhance their mental health.

Short-Term Accommodation, including respite, is an NDIS-funded support which allows the participants to access the assistance of NDIS support workers during their short stay away from home. Through STA support, primary caregiving responsibilities are delegated to these support workers who will help the participants with their disability support needs. STA funding covers the cost of personal care, accommodation, food and assistance for activities that the participants want to explore. When it comes to adults and seniors, they have the chance to learn new skills without compromising on the quality of care that they receive. Learning new things and meeting new people will significantly boost their morale as well.

Aastha Community Services can help you access quality support from highly trained and experienced NDIS support workers who will make your respite experience comfortable, convenient and stress-free. We are a registered NDIS service provider based in Perth and we prioritise the well-being of our participants above everything else. With our assistance, you can engage in a range of capacity-building activities that best align with your goals and enjoy meaningful social interactions during your respite stay. Contact us today to know more about available respite vacancies.

Supported Independent Living in Perth,WA | SIL provider in Perth, WA | NDIS Provider in Perth,WA | Aastha Community Service


NDIS Supported Independent Living Service in Perth, Queens Park, Fremantle, WA

Helping you live your life with as much autonomy and agency as possible is a core value of all our services. After closely understanding your strength and weaknesses, we work with you to enhance the strong points and to get around the weak ones. On the basis of this, we help you access the benefits of NDIS supported Independent Living Service. Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a service provided to support disabled people to live an independent life. NDIS provides SIL funding to those who need 24/7 assistance while living in a shared or individual space. Apart from SIL, NDIS also provides Special Disability Accommodation (SDA) to those who have high support needs or extreme functional impairment.

Being a registered NDIS Provider, Aastha Community Service(ACS) can help you prepare the quote and to get the NDIS funding based on your requirements. Aastha Community Service (ACS)also provides you the accommodation that will be safe and comfortable for you in convenient locations anywhere in Western Australia. Our supporting staff can assist you to accomplish day-to-day tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and personal care to taking care of your daily appointments. Through our various Disability Support Services, the staff will help you to hone your daily life skills. Your interests are given greater importance while making any decisions concerning your living space. Specifics regarding your accommodation such as where with whom, and how are only decided after consulting with you. Your choices, goals, and routines are continuously supervised, hence, any discomforts you will be facing are addressed and resolved with immediate attention.

Supported Independent Living Provider (SIL ) in Perth, WA

NDIS participants with higher support needs can live independently with reliable support by their side with the help of our SIL services. We create a comfortable and secure living environment for our participants where we uphold and protect their choices at all times.

Supported Independent Living support includes having support workers to help the participants with their daily living activities such as personal care, cooking, cleaning, household chores, support for going to medical appointments and community activities, capacity building and much more. This enables NDIS participants with higher support needs to move into a place of their own and be less reliant on friends and family for everyday living. Funding for supported independent living is usually provided when individuals with disabilities live together with other participants and share supports with them. With SIL support in their NDIS plan, participants can exercise more choice and control over their lives, experience greater independence and improve their overall well-being.

At Aastha Community Services,we recognize that disability support needs vary from person to person. We provide personalised Supported Independent Living services after understanding the needs, goals and aspirations of each one of our participants. Our SIL support workers can help the participants to enhance their daily living experience and bring positive changes in their lives. As a registered NDIS service provider, we maintain the highest standards of care and safety by complying with all the rules and regulations laid down by the NDIS Commission. Contact us today to know more.

NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth,WA | NDIS Provider in Perth,WA | NDIS Disability Service in Perth,WA

  Meeting Individual Needs: How Different Levels of Support Coordination Helps Participants. The  National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS...