Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Know Your Options: How to Change Your Support Coordinator


Know Your Options: How to Change Your Support Coordinator

Aastha Community Services

People with disabilities must have choice and control over the care that they receive. Somehow, this simple yet vital principle regarding disability care is yet to penetrate the stronghold of institutional care where participants have little to no say in this matter. But the National Disability Insurance Scheme is a remarkable reform that is changing the landscape of disability care in Australia by prioritising ‘choice and control’ of the participant above everything else.

A notable example of this freedom of choice is the Support Coordination service where participants can switch their support coordinator at any time they like as long as they already have funding for it and follow the notice period in their service agreement. Moving to a new city, having incompatibilities with the current support coordinator, not being satisfied with the service etc are some reasons that motivate participants to switch. Unless they want to there is no need for the participants to inform the NDIS or their Local Area Coordinator of the change that they are making. Just contact your service provider and inform them about the change that you want to make and they will take care of everything. But it is strongly recommended that you contact the current support coordinator and ask them for a report which details your progress regarding your NDIS plan, the mutually agreed and confirmed date when the current coordinator’s services will end as well as evidence regarding your future support needs that can also include recommendations based on their time with you.

Coming up with a new service agreement with the new support coordinator should be done after careful deliberation and research. A registered NDIS service provider like Aastha can help you find a support coordinator that matches your needs and assist you in coming up with a new and improved service agreement. Contact us today to know more about the transition process.

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