Monday, January 23, 2023

NDIS Disability Support in Perth,WA | NDIS Disability Service Provider in Perth,WA | Registered NDIS Provider in Perth,WA


Got any Feedback or Complaint? Here is How to Reach Out to the NDIS Commission

Aastha Community Services

Feedbacks, compliments and complaints are essential to maintain high standards of service. It will help the NDIS to evaluate and enhance their procedures and frameworks. It is through participant feedback that the NDIS Commission can recognise areas of improvement which will eventually influence the safety and quality of support and services delivered by the NDIS. The NDIS Commission is guided by the principles of integrity, accessibility,
responsiveness, integration and appropriateness when it comes to the handling of complaints.

Emphasising accessibility, the NDIS Commission has widely publicised the procedure on how participants may file complaints on their official website and in brochures. Participants or their representatives can make complaints about:

• The unsafe or disrespectful way in which a provider delivered NDIS services or
• Services and assistance from the NDIS that weren’t provided according to the
required standards.
• How an NDIS provider handled complaints regarding NDIS supports.

You can even give feedback or register a complaint concerning the function of the NDIS Commission itself. You may file your grievances through:

Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or contact National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544
TTY: TTY 133 677

You can also reach out to the Commission in person, through letters or with the help of a support person or advocate.

Aastha community services believe that feedback is valuable and complaints are indispensable in making the NDIS better for everyone. As a registered NDIS service provider, our services comply with the quality and standards prescribed by the NDIS Commission. We are responsive to complaints and will try to resolve them at the provider level itself by finding solutions that are satisfactory to our participants. Contact us today to access our support and services.

NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Coach in Perth,WA | NDIS Recovery Coach in Perth | NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth,WA | Registered NDIS provider in Perth | NDIS Disability Service in Perth,WA


Empower Your Recovery with NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Aastha Community Services

NDIS participants with psychosocial disabilities can significantly benefit from the service of a Psychosocial Recovery Coach. As NDIS support workers with lived or learnt experience in mental health, Recovery Coaches can help people with psychosocial disabilities to navigate the NDIS and make progress towards their goals. This will ensure increased social and economic participation of such participants and empower them to become a part of mainstream society.
NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Coachingis a service that focuses on the capacity building of the participants rather than providing assistance with daily activities which are fulfilled by NDIS Core Supports. Recovery Coaches support individuals in their journey towards recovery by spending time with them and getting to know about their personal goals. This will help the Recovery Coaches to assist the participant with recovery planning and guide them towards recovery-oriented support and services. Recovery coaches are expected to connect the participants with a broader system of supports including mainstream supports.

Regular interactions with the Psychosocial Recovery Coaches will help develop a recovery-enabling relationship which will encourage the participants to believe in themselves and pursue their goals with confidence and determination. Recovery Coaches must keep accurate records of their interactions with the participants and the assistance provided as they are required to provide reports to the NDIA before the participant’s plan review regarding the progress achieved through recovery coaching.

Aastha Community Services believes that Psychosocial Recovery Coaching is an essential support that will redefine the way we approach psychosocial disability and helps the participants to recognise their strengths and let them be in charge of their own recovery. Recovery is not a one-stop destination but it is a constant journey where you can rely on the experience and expertise of our Recovery Coaches. Contact us today to know more about our support and services.

Friday, January 20, 2023

NDIS SIL provider in Perth, WA | NDIS Supported Independent Living Service in Perth, Fremantle, WA | NDIS SIL Support in Perth | NDIS Accommodation Service in Perth,WA | NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth,WA

NDIS Supported Independent Living Service in Perth, Fremantle, WA

Helping you live your life with as much autonomy and agency as possible is a core value of all our services. After closely understanding your strength and weaknesses, we work with you to enhance the strong points and to get around the weak ones. On the basis of this, we help you access the benefits of NDIS supported Independent Living Service. Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a service provided to support disabled people to live an independent life. NDIS provides SIL funding to those who need 24/7 assistance while living in a shared or individual space. Apart from SIL, NDIS also provides Special Disability Accommodation (SDA) to those who have high support needs or extreme functional impairment.

Being a registered NDIS Provider, Aastha Community Service can help you prepare the quote and to get the NDIS funding based on your requirements. Aastha also provides you the accommodation that will be safe and comfortable for you in convenient locations anywhere in Western Australia. Our supporting staff can assist you to accomplish day-to-day tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and personal care to taking care of your daily appointments. Through our various Disability Support Services, the staff will help you to hone your daily life skills. Your interests are given greater importance while making any decisions concerning your living space. Specifics regarding your accommodation such as where with whom, and how are only decided after consulting with you. Your choices, goals, and routines are continuously supervised, hence, any discomforts you will be facing are addressed and resolved with immediate attention

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

NDIS Dysphagia Support In Perth,WA | NDIS Registered Provider in Perth,WA | NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth,WA | Aastha Community Service


Essential Guide to NDIS Dysphagia Support

Aastha Community Services

Dysphagia is a health condition where a person finds it difficult to swallow. It can create problems where the person finds it difficult to eat any food, drink water or even swallow normally. This poses the risk of them choking on their food, having poor nutrition and other serious health complications. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds dysphagia support if it is directly related to a participant’s disability. The participants will have to provide evidence in the form of reports or evaluations from a speech therapist to substantiate this.

Dysphagia support needs will differ from person to person. Depending on the participant’s needs, the NDIS may fund low-cost assistive technology and thickener products that will help the participant in eating and drinking or the assistance of a trained support worker to help them eat their meals. In some cases, the NDIS may also fund the services of a speech pathologist for providing swallowing therapy, preparing mealtime management plans or for training the carers and support workers of the participant to manage dysphagia.
Registered NDIS service providers are required to provide dysphagia support safely and competently under the NDIS practice standards. Providers must ensure that their staff have the relevant knowledge and training related to dysphagia management. Regular review of the participant’s mealtime management plans and dysphagia medication also falls under the purview of the service provider.

Aastha Community Services can help you access the services of trained and efficient support workers who can help the participants to control their dysphagia symptoms which will allow them to properly enjoy their meals. We also assist the participants in consulting with health professionals to develop effective mealtime management plans that we will regularly monitor to ensure the safety and comfort of our participants. Contact us today to know more about our services and NDIS dysphagia support

Monday, January 2, 2023

NDIS Disability Service In Perth,WA | NDIS Support Coordination in Perth,WA | Registered NDIS provider in Perth,WA


Accessing the NDIS: How does the NDIS determine your eligibility?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has made it possible for hundreds of thousands of Australians with disabilities to access support and services that help them improve their functional capacity as well as their quality of life. People with disabilities need to meet certain access requirements to become NDIS participants. Such access requirements are in place to ensure that the NDIS funding reaches those who need it the most.

Mainly, there are four basic categories of requirements such as age, residence, disability and early intervention to decide the eligibility of a potential participant. The age requirement for the NDIS participants is between 7 and 65. The prospective participants must be living in Australia and they must be Australian citizens, permanent residents, or Protected Special Category Visa holders to be able to benefit from the NDIS. As far as disability requirements are concerned, the NDIS is accessible to people with permanent and significant disabilities who may need customised support to accomplish daily tasks. If you don’t meet the disability requirements, then the NDIA will look at early intervention requirements. That means if a prospective participant’s future need for disability support is reduced if they can access the NDIS right now, then they may be eligible. If the prospective participant needs NDIS assistance now so that their family can develop the skills necessary to assist them, they could be eligible. Those who are applying to access the NDIS must submit all the information and evidence regarding their eligibility requirements so that the NDIA can arrive at a decision.

If you think you are eligible for the NDIS, then you can contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to help you access the NDIS support and services. Aastha Community Services is a registered NDIS service provider who can help you access the NDIS by assisting you with the application process. Do reach out to us regarding any queries related to the NDIS.

Aastha Community Services

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has made it possible for hundreds of thousands of Australians with disabilities to access support and services that help them improve their functional capacity as well as their quality of life. People with disabilities need to meet certain access requirements to become NDIS participants. Such access requirements are in place to ensure that the NDIS funding reaches those who need it the most.

Mainly, there are four basic categories of requirements such as age, residence, disability and early intervention to decide the eligibility of a potential participant. The age requirement for the NDIS participants is between 7 and 65. The prospective participants must be living in Australia and they must be Australian citizens, permanent residents, or Protected Special Category Visa holders to be able to benefit from the NDIS. As far as disability requirements are concerned, the NDIS is accessible to people with permanent and significant disabilities who may need customised support to accomplish daily tasks. If you don’t meet the disability requirements, then the NDIA will look at early intervention requirements. That means if a prospective participant’s future need for disability support is reduced if they can access the NDIS right now, then they may be eligible. If the prospective participant needs NDIS assistance now so that their family can develop the skills necessary to assist them, they could be eligible. Those who are applying to access the NDIS must submit all the information and evidence regarding their eligibility requirements so that the NDIA can arrive at a decision.

If you think you are eligible for the NDIS, then you can contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to help you access the NDIS support and services. Aastha Community Services is a registered NDIS service provider who can help you access the NDIS by assisting you with the application process. Do reach out to us regarding any queries related to the NDIS.

NDIS Disability Support in Perth,WA | NDIS Provider in Perth,WA | NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth, WA


NDIS Provider Obligations: What Does the NDIS Define as a Reportable Incident?

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, otherwise known as the NDIS Commission was formed to enhance the quality and safety of NDIS support and services. The NDIS Commission has laid down strict guidelines regarding the responsibilities, obligations and legal requirements of providers to safeguard the rights of the participants and to ensure that they receive the best of the NDIS. One such provider obligation is to notify the NDIS Commission regarding any reportable incidents (including allegations) that may happen in connection with the support and services delivered by the provider. There is a timeframe set by the Commission within which the providers must report the incident.

Reportable incidents are grave and critical incidents or allegations of it that affect an NDIS participant and take place in relation to NDIS supports and services. Such incidents include:
• The demise of a person with a disability
• A person with a disability getting seriously injured
• Assault of a person with a disability or improper sexual or physical contact with them
• Sexual misbehaviour against or in the presence of a person with a disability including grooming them for sexual activity.
• Unauthorised use of restrictive practices or if it is authorised but not used in accordance with the person’s behaviour support plan.

The registered service providers must report the occurrence of the first four incidents mentioned above or allegations of it to the NDIS Commission within 24 hours. They can use the NDIS Commission Portal to do this. The timeframe for notifying about the use of unauthorised restrictive practices is within five business days. The providers will have an internal incident management system to handle such issues. But even when the providers have handled problems and responded to them as per their incident management system, reporting to the NDIS Commission is still mandatory.

At Aastha Community Service, the safety of our participants is our utmost priority. Therefore, we strictly comply with all the rules laid down by the NDIS Commission while delivering our services. Contact us today to know more.

Aastha Community Services

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, otherwise known as the NDIS Commission was formed to enhance the quality and safety of NDIS support and services. The NDIS Commission has laid down strict guidelines regarding the responsibilities, obligations and legal requirements of providers to safeguard the rights of the participants and to ensure that they receive the best of the NDIS. One such provider obligation is to notify the NDIS Commission regarding any reportable incidents (including allegations) that may happen in connection with the support and services delivered by the provider. There is a timeframe set by the Commission within which the providers must report the incident.

Reportable incidents are grave and critical incidents or allegations of it that affect an NDIS participant and take place in relation to NDIS supports and services. Such incidents include:
• The demise of a person with a disability
• A person with a disability getting seriously injured
• Assault of a person with a disability or improper sexual or physical contact with them
• Sexual misbehaviour against or in the presence of a person with a disability including grooming them for sexual activity.
• Unauthorised use of restrictive practices or if it is authorised but not used in accordance with the person’s behaviour support plan.

The registered service providers must report the occurrence of the first four incidents mentioned above or allegations of it to the NDIS Commission within 24 hours. They can use the NDIS Commission Portal to do this. The timeframe for notifying about the use of unauthorised restrictive practices is within five business days. The providers will have an internal incident management system to handle such issues. But even when the providers have handled problems and responded to them as per their incident management system, reporting to the NDIS Commission is still mandatory.

At Aastha Community Service, the safety of our participants is our utmost priority. Therefore, we strictly comply with all the rules laid down by the NDIS Commission while delivering our services. Contact us today to know more.

NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth, WA | NDIS Disability Service in Perth,WA | Registered NDIS Provider in Perth,WA


NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth, WA

Disability support services play an important role in bringing substantial differences in the quality of lives led by people with disabilities. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a radical new approach to providing disability support for eligible Australians. Although it is an exemplary new model of delivering disability services, participants can find it challenging to understand the NDIS and manage their support. Here is where the NDIS steps in with their Support Coordination service that helps the participants to implement the supports in their NDIS plan.

Understanding Support Coordination.

Support Coordination is intended to assist the participant in using their NDIS plan to its fullest potential by helping them understand the NDIS and various supports, services and budget categories. Registered NDIS service providers like Aastha Community Services can provide you with assistance from experienced Support Coordinators who can help you navigate the NDIS with ease. This includes:

  • Connecting you with supports including community and mainstream services.
  • Planning, coordinating and maintaining your NDIS supports.
  • Helping you find service providers and setting up service agreements with them.
  • Building your confidence and capability to manage your plan on your own.
  • Reporting to the NDIA about which supports worked the best for you.
  • Assisting you with plan reassessment and helping you pursue new goals.
  • Assessing your needs and making recommendations regarding supports and services.

Accessing Support Coordination in Your NDIS plan.

Support Coordination funding will be included in your capacity building budget if it is found to be ‘reasonable and necessary to pursue your NDIS goals. Depending on your individual disability needs, there are three levels of support coordination that can be included in your NDIS plan. They are Support Connection, Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination. Unless a certain level of Support Coordination funding is mentioned in your NDIS plan, you are free to choose the level according to your needs. You can reach out to registered NDIS service providers like Aastha Community Services to clear your queries and to find out whether you are eligible for Support Coordination or not. Our experienced and well-trained Support Coordinators can help you resolve any concerns related to your NDIS plan. You can access our Support Coordination services in Perth, Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Morley, Osborne Park, Victoria Park, Canningvale, Maddington, Armadale, Cockburn Central, Kwinana, Rockingham, and Mandurah.

NDIS Support Coordination Service in Perth,WA | NDIS Provider in Perth,WA | NDIS Disability Service in Perth,WA

  Meeting Individual Needs: How Different Levels of Support Coordination Helps Participants. The  National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS...